

  • Solar Parks and solar investors
  • Captive generation plants
  • Universities and Research Institutions
  • Technology firms in India and abroad
  • Industries and captive consumers
  • Distribution Utilities

About Us

Who we are

We are a company promoted by scientists and technopreneurs with a vision of:

“…Enabling Next Generation Energy Economy: A Smart Grid Initiative through Smart technology, business models and solutions for the Smart Planet….” We are committed to “contribute to eco-space of next generation energy sector in India” and we specialize in.

  • Efficient Energy production – technologies, strategies and business models
  • Efficient Energy delivery – technologies, strategies and business models

What we do

Working on path-breaking technologies & solutions

Building new business models for energy economy and for energy efficiency.

Creating test beds and pilots leading to large scale projects.

Building resources required for new economy.

Promote incubators, allied industries and entrepreneur with a goal to maximize Return on Investments (ROI) into energy projects

We work with

We are closely working with

  • Solar Parks and solar investors
  • Captive generation plants
  • Universities and Research Institutions
  • Technology firms in India and abroad
  • Industries and captive consumers
  • Distribution Utilities
  • Governments, Departments and Industry bodies in India
  • Sector offers numerous opportunities for small, medium and big investors and entrepreneurs.

Key Areas

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